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Earth Science Books Books from the BGS and other publishers on a wide range of earth science topics.

1:250 000 Geological Maps (UTM Series) Maps in this series show three sorts of geological information: solid 'bedrock' geology, (S), Quaternary or 'drift' geology (Q), or sea-bed sediments (Ss).

Geological Memoirs - Scotland Geological memoirs for each of the 1:50 000 series (and the earlier one-inch series) geological map sheets.

Other Minerals Publications Miscellaneous publications on UK minerals exploration.

1:250 000 Geological Maps (UTM Series) Solid 'bedrock' geology, Quaternary or 'drift' geology and sea-bed sediment maps for offshore areas .

Mineral Reconnaisance Reports These reports provide information and maps related to exploration and development of Britain's mineral resources. They were produced under the Minerals Reconnaisance Programme, funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) between 1972 and 1997. The reports contain the results of reconniassance and follow-up mineral exploration surveys, new evidence of mineralisation in Britain, and recommendations for further work.

1:25 000 Classical Areas Map Series Some areas of outstanding geological interest warrant maps greater detail than is shown on the 1:50 000 Series geological maps.

Regional Geology Guides Regional Geology Guides provide an overview of the geology of individual regions of the United Kingdom. In addition to explanatory text, they contain maps, diagrams, sections and photographs. These guides provide a comprehensive description of the geology of the regions: they are suitable for informed amateurs, geology students and professionals alike. Format: 152 x 243mm; paperback..

BGS International Regional Geochemistry Data Regional geochemical data from a range of overseas countries are available for sale on a series of CD-ROMs.

Directory of Mines and Quarries These directories provide information on working mines and quarries in the United Kingdom. Summary details of rock types or minerals, geological formation, location and owner or operator are provided.

UK Thematic Resource Maps Resource maps for coal, building stone, industrial minerals, metalliferous minerals and energy resources are published at c. 1:150 000 scale.

Minerals Programme Publications Publications of the DTI-funded Minerals Programme which commenced in 1998.

British Antarctic Survey Books and Maps Geoscience, environmental and topographic maps and guides produced by the British Antarctic Survey.

Geochemical Atlases These atlases provide a systematic picture of the geochemistry of the whole of Britain.

Earthwise™ Books The Earthwise™ books cover a range of topics from the influence of geology on the taste of a good single malt, to the causes and effects of earthquakes.

Posters and gifts A selection of Geological and scientific posters and gifts are available that illustrate geology in a popular, non-scientific way.

Earthwise™ Holiday Geology Guides and Maps These concise guidecards provide a wealth of information on the geology of many popular tourist areas of England, ranging from heritage coasts to London’s historic buildings.

1:10 000 Geological Maps 1:10 000 Geological Maps.

Miscellaneous Regional Guides Various guide-books on the geology of the United Kingdom.

Confidential Borehole Records A small percentage of the boreholes we hold are confidential. We can display the location and name of these boreholes, but permission to release the data must be sought from the owners before we can supply more detailed information.

British Regional Geology Guides Regional Geology guides provide an overview of the geology of individual regions of the United Kingdom.

Earthwise™ Books The Earthwise™ books cover a range of topics from the influence of geology on the taste of a good single malt, to the causes and effects of earthquakes. Suitable for the interested amateur, these books provide an insight into various aspects of geology and offer a wide range of information.

Scottish Natural Heritage Books and Guides Scottish Natural Heritage in association with the BGS have produced a range of booklets on the geology and landscape of several important tourist regions of Scotland.

Earthwise™ Holiday Geology Guides These concise guidecards provide a wealth of information on the geology of many popular tourist areas of England, ranging from heritage coasts to London’s historic buildings. They feature many colour diagrams and photographs and are produced as folded A3 laminated cards.

Geological Novelties Geologically themed Mugs, Coasters and more

Classical Areas Descriptions of the geology of parts of Britain which are of special geological interest.

GeoSections Synthetic Boreholes Place a point on a map and obtain a prediction of the depths of the modelled units at that location.

GeoSections Horizontal Sections Select a rectangular area on a map and obtain a geological map at an elevation below the ground surface.

British Antarctic Survey Books and Maps Geoscience, environmental and topographic maps and guides produced by the British Antarctic Survey.

Minerals Programme Publications This series comprises publications of the DTI-funded Minerals Programme which commenced in 1998. It covers a wide range of topics, including an exploration guide to Britain, assessments of the mineral potential of various districts and publications derived from the World Mineral Statistics database.

Miscellaneous Minerals Publications data compilations relating to the UK minerals industry.

Map Symbols and Lithological Ornaments The BGS Cartographic standard geological symbol index; a complete listing of all geological cartographic symbols, linestyles and lithological ornaments in current usage.

Geological Poster Maps of the British Isles These maps provide an overview of the geology of the British Isles in general or the United Kingdom in particular. They are most suitable as wall posters.

World Mineral Statistics The BGS maintains one of the largest databases in the world on the production and trade of minerals. World Mineral Statistics comprises descriptive statistics for individual countries, by mass or volume, on the production and trade of 65 mineral commodities and approximately 200 sub-commodities.

UKOOA Volumes: Lithostratigraphic Nomenclatures Lithostratigraphic nomenclature volumes were produced in association with the UK Offshore Operators’ Association. They are in the form of atlases which provide stratigraphical correlations across the North Sea Basin.

Geochemistry, Miscellaneous The BGS produces a range of reports and maps on gechemical topics and issues, though only a small number of these are offered as formal publications. For information on the wider range of unpublished reports and maps contact the Sales Desk.

1:50 000 Geological Maps - England and Wales 1:50 000 Series geological maps for England & Wales are produced in landscape format, each covering an area of approximately 20km north-south and 30km east-west.

UK Minerals Yearbook An annual publication providing comprehensive statistical data on mineral production, consumption and trade; estimates of production for major mineral commodities and a commentary on the UK's mineral industry.

GeoSections Vertical Sections Place two points on a map to define a line and obtain a predicted cross section of the modelled geological units.

Miscellaneous Technical and Research Reports Unpublished or "open-file" reports on various aspects of UK geology.

Mineral Dossiers and Monographs These publications provide basic information on key economic minerals occurring within the UK. Although information on production may be out-of-date these inexpensive publications provide much useful information which is not available elsewhere.

Technical and Research Reports The BGS (previously known as the Institute of Geological Sciences) produces a wide range of geoscience reports in both published and unpublished form.

Non-BGS geoscience maps Sorry, description not currently available.

1:25 000 Classical Areas Maps A series of maps at 1:25 000 scale for areas of outstanding geological interest.

Geological Memoirs & Brief Sheet Explanations Geological memoirs are usually available to accompany each of the 1:50 000 series (and the earlier one-inch series) geological map sheets.

Classical Areas Booklets Series Descriptions of the geology of parts of Britain which are of special geological interest. Several of these booklets compliment the 1:25 000 scale"Classical Areas" geological maps.

Custom 1:50 000 Geological Maps Customise your own 1:50 000 Geological Map.

1:100 000 Scottish Islands Geological Maps For outlying Scottish Islands maps are published at the 1:100 000 scale instead of the larger scale 1:50 000 scale; the information contained is similar.

Historical Maps and Books This section includes reproductions of several historic maps, by William Smith and James MacCulloch, plus books on related topics.

Scottish Natural Heritage Books and Guides Scottish Natural Heritage, in association with the BGS, have produced a range of booklets on the geology and landscape of several important tourist regions of Scotland.

These booklets are aimed at non-specialist readers and are illustrated with photographs and diagrams describing the evolution of the lansdcape in relation to the underlying geology.

Stratigraphic Nomenclature (BGS) These publications describe the stratigraphy of UK onshore and offshore areas.

Mineral Assessment Reports (Bulk minerals) These reports are on the assessment of bulk mineral resources of areas within the UK.

Miscellaneous books on earth science topics Books on a wide range of earth-science and related topics, from the BGS and other publishers.

1:50 000 Geological Maps Geological maps show the nature, extent and relative stratigraphical age of the different rocks within a district.

Stratigraphy and Structural Maps and Atlases Publications which provide information on major structural features and stratigraphical correlations in and around the United Kingdom.

Geophysical Publications Small scale geophysical maps are available covering the British Isles in either single or double sheets. The themes covered include gravity (Bouguer & Free-air) maps, magnetic maps, Natural Environment Radioactivity Survey Series Maps. For information on other reports on particular districts or specific applications contact the Sales Desk.

Offshore Regional Reports These reports describe the offshore geology of the United Kingdom and complement the regional geology guides which cover the onshore areas.

Mineral Exploration Papers Several series of reports have been produced examining the mineral resources of the UK. Metalliferous mineral exploration surveys are covered by Mineral Reconnaissance Reports and bulk constructional or industrial minerals (principally aggregates and limestone) by Mineral Assessment Reports. These surveys were undertaken between 1971 and 1997.

Other Medium Scale Geological Maps Geological maps for some parts of the United Kingdom are available at smaller scales than the main 1:50 000 geological maps.

Geochemistry, geophysics and hydrogeology Publications on the geochemistry, geophysics and hydrogeology of the UK include thematic maps, geochemical atlases, and reports aimed at geologists and other professional users.

1:50 000 Geological Maps - Scotland The individual 1:50 000 Series geological maps for Scotland are produced in portrait format, each covering an area of approximately 30km north-south and 20km east-west.

Geological Memoirs - Northern Ireland Geological memoirs for each of the 1:50 000 series (and the earlier one-inch series) geological map sheets.

Minerals publications A wide variety of publications are available on the mineral resources of the UK.

1:250 000 Geological Map of Wales A bilingual map – Welsh and English – showing the Solid (bedrock) geology of Wales. Published in 1994.

Non BGS geoscience maps Various geoscience maps from other publishers, ranging from small scale regional maps to one of local importance.

1:1 million UK, Ireland and Continental Shelf These maps give whole-country coverage for the United Kingdom and parts of continental shelf areas around the British Isles.

Groundwater Vulnerability Maps The Soil Survey and Land Research Centre and the BGS were commissioned by the Environment Agency to prepare groundwater vulnerability maps of England and Wales at a scale of 1:100 000. These maps identify areas in which groundwater resources require protection from potentially polluting activities. The maps are designed to be used by planners, developers, consultants and regulatory bodies to ensure that developments conform to the Environment Agency's Policy and Practice for the Protection of Groundwater.

Mineral Production Information & Statistics The BGS maintains one of the largest databases in the world on the production and trade of minerals.

1:50 000 Geological Maps - Northern Ireland The individual 1:50 000 Series geological maps for Northern Ireland are produced in landscape format, each covering an area of approximately 20km north-south and 30km east-west.

Geological Memoirs - England and Wales Geological memoirs, Brief Sheet Explanations and Sheet Descriptions for each of the 1:50 000 series (and the earlier one-inch series) geological map sheets.

Mineral Resource Planning Maps & Reports A series of Mineral Resource and Planning Constraint Reports and Maps for various administrative areas in England and Wales prepared under the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) Research Project "Mineral Resource Information for Development Plans".

BGS International Regional Geochemistry Data BGS International Regional Geochemistry Data CDs

Groundwater Vulnerability Maps Soil Survey and Land Research Centre / BGS groundwater vulnerability maps of England and Wales at a scale of 1:100 000.

Geochemical Atlases These atlases provide a systematic picture of the geochemistry of the whole of Britain.

Historical Maps & Books This section includes reproductions of historic maps by William Smith and John MacCulloch, plus associated books and guides.

Mineral Reconnaissance Reports (Metalliferous) Series of reports that have been produced examining the mineral resources of the UK.

1:250 000 Northern Ireland Series A single sheet geological map of Northern Ireland: available in 'Solid' (bedrock) and 'Quaternary' (superficial or recent deposits) versions.

Hydrogeology Reports These reports cover aspects of groundwater availability, exploitation and quality in the United Kingdom.

Geophysical Maps A variety of maps on geophysical topics including gravity, magnetic and radioactivity maps.

Geological maps Geological maps show the nature, extent and relative stratigraphical age of the different rocks within a district.

Falkland Islands Maps and Reports These publications were produced in association with the Falklands Islands Government. They cover mainly onshore areas.

1:625 000 United Kingdom Landmass These geological maps are available as North and South sheets, each covering half of Britain, and in two versions: Solid (bedrock) geology and Quaternary geology (superficial or ‘drift’ deposits). The maps also show the sheet outlines of the 1:50 000 series geological maps.

Mineral Assessment Reports These reports are on the assessment of bulk mineral resources of areas within the UK. Over 140 reports were produced between 1971 and 1990 as part of a national stock-take of inductrial minerals, funded by the (then) Department of the Environment. The minerals covered are: sand and gravel, hard rock aggregates, limestone, conglomerate, and celestite (one report). The reports were produced using data gathered from extensive borehole surveys and contain qualitative and quantitative data on lithology, composition, particle size analysis and other information of commercial value. Boreholes were drilled at a density of one per 1km square. Resource evaluation, based on statistical assessments, together with summary borehole information and geology, are all shown on an Ordnance Survey National Grid map at a scale of 1:25 000. In addition to the interpretative information and assessments, the reports contain abridged borehole logs including chemical or particle-size information as appropriate.

Overseas Memoirs Memoirs produced by the Overseas Geological Survey and Institute of Geological Sciences prior to c.1985.

Tectonic and Structural Maps Maps showing the major structural features of UK geology.

Geological Posters Geological Posters, Jigsaws and more

Education and leisure The BGS publishes its own range of non-specialist books, guides and posters on geology and related themes under the Earthwise™ trademark.

Miscellaneous Overseas Publications Miscellaneous publications produced by the Overseas Geological Survey and Institute of Geological Science prior to 1985.

Overseas Mineral Resources Publications on geology and mineral resources produced by the Overseas Geological Survey and Institute of Geological Sciences prior to c. 1985

Overseas and technical publications Order BGS printed products including maps, sheet explanations and regional guides.

Hydrogeological Maps Hydrogeological maps of the UK provide information on major aquifers, including geological and lithological information, surface drainage systems and water quality issues. Up-to-date information on UK hydrogeology is held in the National Groundwater Archive.

Offshore Regional Reports These reports describe the offshore geology of the United Kingdom and complement the Regional Geology Guides which cover the onshore areas. The reports cover all aspects of the geology of a region, from the most recently formed sediments to the deep structure of the crust, and include a chapter on economic geology. Maps which may be used in conjunction with these reports are indicated below :

Regional Geology Guides
1:250 000 Geological Maps (UTM Series)

Overseas Books & Reports The BGS publish books and reports on the geological, geophysical and resources of several countries.

Small Scale and Poster Maps These maps give whole-country coverage for the United Kingdom on a variety of geological themes; many maps also cover continental shelf areas.

Hydrogeological Maps Hydrogeological maps of the UK provide information on major aquifers, including geological and lithological information, surface drainage systems and water quality issues.

Geological books and guides The BGS publishes a wide range of books and guides on geological topics, ranging from detailed descriptions of local geology to the geological overview of the UK's regions.

Map Symbols and Lithological Ornaments The British Geological Survey has brought together in one document (Cartographic standard geological symbol index) a complete listing of all its geological cartographic symbols, linestyles and lithological ornaments in current usage. They represent a British Standard. The symbols are used at all scales and are independent of ornament and colour. The symbols are indexed by geological classification and by description, and are illustrated by symbol reference name. These reference names are an abbreviated form of their description.

This report represents a revised version (3) of the first phase of a project to make BGS map symbols more widely available.

Open Borehole Records A record of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work. Boreholes range from one metre to several thousand metres deep.

Hydrogeology Reports Reports on the hydrogeology of the UK.

Standards and Reference Materials The BGS has prepared a number of Analysed Standards for selected industrial minerals, plus a UK Reference Sample for bioaccessibility and total element determinations.

Institute of Geological Sciences Reports The Institute of Geological Sciences (forerunner of the BGS) published a series of reports, covering many geological topics, between 1967 and 1985.

Falkland Islands Maps and Reports These publications were produced in association with the Falklands Islands Government. They cover mainly onshore areas.