1:625 000 United Kingdom Landmass
These geological maps are available as North and South sheets, each covering half of Britain, and in two versions: Solid (bedrock) geology and Quaternary geology (superficial or ‘drift’ deposits). The maps also show the sheet outlines of the 1:50 000 series geological maps.
The 1:625 000 scale Bedrock North and South maps (the ‘ten-mile’ maps) are well-known to all in the geological community, and are one of BGS’ most popular publications. These maps are perfect for students and for anyone seeking an overview of the geological structure of the UK. The North map covers Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and England as far south as the Lake District. …more…
Format |
Flat Map |
9780751835014 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
B |
Year Published |
2007 |
Sorry, not available
Illustrates the bedrock geology of northern England and Scotland on one sheet. A perfect map for those wanting to visualise the overall geology of the United Kingdom.The map is explained in a companion booklet and the booklet and folded map are also available as a pack. A South sheet is also available. [Flat Map]
Format |
Flat Map |
6000004869 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
S |
Year Published |
2008 |
Illustrates the Bedrock Geology of southern England (from the Lake District and Tyne southwards) and Wales. A perfect map for those wanting to visualise the overall geology of the United Kingdom.The map is explained in a companion booklet and the booklet and folded map are also available as a pack. A North sheet is also available. [Flat Map]
Format |
Flat Map |
6000004877 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
S |
Year Published |
2008 |
The 1:625 000 scale Bedrock North and South maps (the ‘ten-mile’ maps) are well-known to all in the geological community, and are one of BGS’ most popular publications. These maps are perfect for students and for anyone seeking an overview of the geological structure of the UK. The North map covers Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and England as far south as the Lake District. …more…
Format |
Folded Map |
9780751835021 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
B |
Year Published |
2007 |
This book guides the interpretation of the 1:625 000 scale Bedrock Geology UK North map, covering Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and part of northern England. This book accompanies the map, and describes the rocks and their origin, from the ancient Lewisian gneisses of north-west Scotland to the distinctive landforms left by the last glaciation. …more…
Format |
Booklet |
9780852725856 |
Year Published |
2007 |
This book and map pack contains the Bedrock Geology UK North book and a copy of the folded North map in a clear wallet.
The book guides the interpretation of the 1:625 000 scale Bedrock Geology UK North map, covering Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and part of northern England. The book describes the rocks and their origin, from the ancient Lewisian gneisses of north-west Scotland to the distinctive landforms left by the last glaciation. …more…
Format |
Booklet and Map Pack |
9780852726051 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Year Published |
2008 |
The 1:625 000 scale Bedrock North and South maps (the ‘ten-mile’ maps) are well-known to all in the geological community, and are one of BGS’ most popular publications. These maps are perfect for students and for anyone seeking an overview of the geological structure of the UK. The South map covers England, from the Lake District southwards, and Wales. …more…
Format |
Flat Map |
9780751835038 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
B |
Year Published |
2007 |
The 1:625 000 scale Bedrock North and South maps (the ‘ten-mile’ maps) are well-known to all in the geological community, and are one of BGS’ most popular publications. These maps are perfect for students and for anyone seeking an overview of the geological structure of the UK. The South map covers England, from the Lake District southwards, and Wales. …more…
Format |
Folded Map |
9780751835045 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
B |
Year Published |
2007 |
This book guides the interpretation of the 1:625 000 scale Bedrock Geology UK South map, covering England and Wales. This book accompanies the map, and describes the rocks and their origin, from the scattered remnants of ancient volcanoes to Cenozoic clays and gravels. …more…
Format |
Booklet |
9780852725863 |
Year Published |
2007 |
This book and map pack contains the Bedrock Geology UK South book and a copy of the folded South map in a clear wallet.
The book guides the interpretation of the 1:625 000 scale Bedrock Geology UK South map, covering England and Wales. This book accompanies the map, and describes the rocks and their origin, from the scattered remnants of ancient volcanoes to Cenozoic clays and gravels. …more…
Format |
Booklet and Map Pack |
9780852726068 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Year Published |
2008 |
Format |
Flat Map |
0751812196 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
Q |
Year Published |
1977 |
Format |
Folded Map |
075181220X |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
Q |
Year Published |
1977 |
Format |
Folded Map |
0751812226 |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
Q |
Year Published |
1977 |
Format |
Flat Map |
Scale |
1:625 000 |
Version |
Q |
Year Published |
1977 |