Online Bookshop
The BGS publishes specialist maps and reports on the geological, geophysical and resources of the UK and several other countries, most of which are part of the Commonwealth. Many of these reports were produced as part of commissioned research undertaken over many years in the UK and elsewhere. For the UK, many reports are in the form of open-file documents.
How to find the maps relevant to your area
If you need to identify relevant maps available for your area before placing an order, we have a search facility on the Geoindex.
You can navigate to your area by inserting a postcode, grid reference, place name in the 'Enter location' field. You then need to 'Add Data' and select the relevant item from the 'Products' data layer. This will enable you to identify the correct map title and number before placing an order via the Online Bookshop or viewing it on the portal.
How to view available maps
If you wish to view an available map before purchasing, please refer to the BGS maps portal which provides access to over 45 000 high-resolution viewing images of almost all the small, medium and large scale maps produced by the BGS since mapping started in 1832 right up to the most recent maps released in 2020.
How to view available publications
You can review available BGS publications from 1835 to present using the BGS publication viewer providing access to a range of free to view publications and the NERC Open Research Archive (NORA) to download research outputs from across the centres.
The BGS publishes its own range of non-specialist books, guides and posters on geology and related themes under the Earthwise™ trademark.
The BGS publishes a wide range of books and guides on geological topics, ranging from detailed descriptions of local geology to the geological overview of the UK's regions.
Geological maps show the nature, extent and relative stratigraphical age of the different rocks within a district.
Publications on the geochemistry, geophysics and hydrogeology of the UK include thematic maps, geochemical atlases, and reports aimed at geologists and other professional users.
A wide variety of publications are available on the mineral resources of the UK.
Order BGS printed products including maps, sheet explanations and regional guides.
Visit the Geology Shop
Details of opening times and how to visit our Geology Shop can be found on our BGS Geology Shop page.
The BGS Geology Shop at Keyworth is open to the public from;
Monday – Friday
8.30am – 16.30pm