Offshore Regional Reports
These reports describe the offshore geology of the United Kingdom and complement the regional geology guides which cover the onshore areas.
The reports cover all aspects of the geology of a region, from the most recently formed sediments to the deep structure of the crust, and include a chapter on economic geology.
This report covers the sea area off Wales and north of southwest England out to the UK/Irish median line. The authors are Dave Tappin, Andrew Chadwick, Audrey Jackson, Robin Wingfield and N Smith.
The Geology of the area : In the early Palaeozoic, marine sediments were deposited in the Welsh Basin, interrupted by volcanic activity.
The Ordovician largely volcanic rocks pass into Silurian turbidites and bathyal mudstones.
Uplift of the area in the Caledonian orogeny led to the deposition of shallow marine sediments in the Devonian and early Carboniferous. …more…
Author |
Tappin, D.R. |
0118845063 |
Year Published |
1994 |
This report covers the area from Start Point southwest to the limit of the UK designated area, and includes the sea area around the Channel Islands. The report's author is Chris Evans with contributions by Richard Hillis, Bob Gatliff, Geoff Day and John Edwards. …more…
Author |
Hamblin. R.J.O |
0118844903 |
Year Published |
1992 |
A comprehensive review of the geology of the Faroe-Shetland basin.
The Faroe-Shetland basin has been an area of oil and gas industry and academic interest for the past 30 years or more. In the past two decades in particular, since commercial oil and gas fields have been discovered and developed, the dominant structural element in the area, Faroe-Shetland basin, has been the focus of great attention. [Book]
Author |
Ritchie, JD |
Collation |
A4, 317 pages |
Format |
Book |
9780852726433 |
Year Published |
2011 |
This report covers an extensive area off the north and west coast of Scotland, in a 200 km-wide strip running around 1000 km west of the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland islands. The authors are Martyn Stoker, Ken Hitchen and Colin Graham. …more…
Author |
Stoker, M.S. |
0118844997 |
Year Published |
1993 |
This report covers the sea area surrounded by Ireland, southwest Scotland, northwest England and Wales, and runs from St George's Channel in the south to the North Channel in the north. The authors are Ian Jackson, Audrey Jackson, Dan Evans, Robin Wingfield, R Barnes and Mike Arthur. …more…
Author |
Jackson, D.I. |
0118845071 |
Year Published |
1995 |
This report includes the sea areas of the Firth of Clyde, part of the North Channel, the Malin Sea, the Sea of the Hebrides and The Minch. The authors are Alan Fyfe, Dave Long and Dan Evans.
The Geology of the area : Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks that make up the surrounding land areas include Lewisian gneisses, the oldest rocks in the UK. Offshore these rocks often form a rough topography of ridges and highs. The ribbon of Cambro-Ordovician rocks that crops out from Loch Eribol to Skye are unproven offshore. …more…
Author |
Fyfe, J.A. |
0118844946 |
Year Published |
1993 |
This report covers the areas between 57° 30' N and 59° 30' N and between the Scottish coast and 1° E. The authors are Ian Andrews, Dave Long, Phil Richards, A.R. Thomson, Stewart Brown, John Chesher and Mark McCormac. …more…
Author |
Andrews, I.J. |
0118843796 |
Year Published |
1990 |
The deep-water Rockall Basin extends from south-west Ireland to north-west Scotland and constitutes the exploration frontier for oil and gas on the continental margin to the west of the British Isles. Up to the present time, oil company interest has focused on shallower areas of the UK continental shelf and west of Shetland. Hence the Rockall Basin has not been extensively explored and geological understanding of the basin is limited. Whereas over 10,000 commercial wells have been drilled on the UK continental shelf as a whole, only 12 of these have been drilled within, or on the margin of, the Rockall Basin The report aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the geoscientific knowledge of the Rockall Basin area and we envisage this will be a useful resource for industry, government and academia [Book]
Author |
Hitchen, K |
Collation |
192 pages |
Format |
Book |
9780852727072 |
Year Published |
2013 |
This report covers that part of the North Sea from 55°N to 58°N and from the east coast of Scotland and northern England to the international median line. The authors are Bob Gatliff, Phil Richards, K. Smith, Colin Graham, M McCormack, N Smith, Dave Long, Don Cameron, Dan Evans, Alan Stevenson, Joe Bulat and Derek Ritchie. …more…
Author |
Gatliff, R.W. |
0118845047 |
Year Published |
1994 |
This report covers the northernmost part of the North Sea from 58°N to around 62°N and from the Shetland Islands to the UK/Norwegian median line.
The Geology of the area : The area comprises two main structural elements, the East Shetland Platform and basinal areas such as the Viking Graben and East Shetland Basin. The East Shetland Platform comprises metamorphic basement overlain by thick Devonian rocks and minor post-Devonian sediments. Deposition in the basinal areas began in the late Permian, though the main rifting of the North Sea Graben did not start until Triassic times. …more…
Author |
Johnson, H. |
0118844970 |
Year Published |
1994 |
This report covers the sea area from the east coast of England to the median line and from South Foreland to 55°N. The authors are Don Cameron, Tony Crosby, Peter Balson, Dennis Jeffery, Graham Lott, Joe Bulat and Dave Harrison. …more…
Author |
Cameron, T.D.J. |
011884492X |
Year Published |
1992 |
This report covers the area from Start Point southwest to the limit of the UK designated area, and includes the sea area around the Channel Islands. The report's author is Chris Evans with contributions by Richard Hillis, Bob Gatliff, Geoff Day and John Edwards. …more…
Author |
Evans, C.D.R. |
011884475X |
Year Published |
1990 |