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Books and Maps covering this area × -
Bideford and Lundy Island (S&D) [Flat Map]
Bideford and Lundy Island (S&D) [Flat Map]
Bideford and Lundy Island. Memoir for sheet E292, parts of E275, E276, E291 and E308
SS22 (1:10 000 map sheet) × -
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS22NW
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS22NE
SS42 (1:10 000 map sheet) × -
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS42NE
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS42NW
SS43 (1:10 000 map sheet) × -
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS43SE
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS43NE
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS43NW
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS43SW
SS44 (1:10 000 map sheet) × -
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS44SE
1:10,000 Geological Map of SS44SW