Ipswich district - Sheet explanation for sheet E207
Price £9.00(no VAT)
Sheet Explanations provide a brief description and interpretation of the geology of the relevant BGS 1:50 000 scale map sheet area. More detailed geological information for the same area is available via the Sheet Descriptions.
Sheet Explanations are printed A5 booklets and are available either singly, or as a pack together with the relevant 1:50 000 scale map, where this map is available.
Ipswich is the county town of Suffolk in eastern England. The town is a major port on the River Orwell as it opens out into the estuary. The rich loamy soils of the district were developed on glacial and fluvial deposits which include those of the ancestral River Thames, before it was diverted south to its present course by the Anglian ice sheet. The area is famous for its shelly sand 'crag' deposits; shallow water Pliocene marine sediments including the Coralline Crag, Red Crag and Norwich Crag formations.
Author Mathers, S J et al
ISBN 9780852725726
Scale 1:50 000
Sheet(s) Covered E207
Year Published 2007