Ringwood district - Sheet Explanation for sheet E314
Price £9.00(no VAT)
Sheet Explanations provide a brief description and interpretation of the geology of the relevant BGS 1:50 000 scale map sheet area. More detailed geological information for the same area is available via the Sheet Descriptions.
Sheet Explanations are printed A5 booklets and are available either singly, or as a pack together with the relevant 1:50 000 scale map, where this map is available.
The Ringwood area lies within the counties of Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire, and is known for its unspoilt scenery and contrasting landscapes. West of the Avon, the chalkland of Cranborne Chase forms rolling downs with sheltered streams and dry valleys, while to the east the sandy heathland of the New Forest forms high ground with open plateaux. The west of the district comprises a full sequence of largely unfaulted chalk.
Author Barton, C M et al
ISBN 0852724640
Sheet(s) Covered E314
Year Published 2003