MacCulloch's 1840 Geological Map of Scotland [Flat Map]

MacCulloch's 1840 Geological Map of Scotland [Flat Map]

In 1814, John MacCulloch was appointed to begin a geological investigation along meridian lines in Scotland, to find a more suitable mountain than Schiehallion to calculate the Earth's mean density. He used this opportunity to geologically survey Scotland, and in 1821 applied to the Board of Ordnance to publish his map. Nothing came of this, despite his threats to hang or shoot himself if he didn't get his own way. MacCulloch's map was eventually published in 1836, a year after the author died in a carriage accident on his honeymoon (aged 61).

This is a reproduction of the third issue of MacCulloch's map from 1840. The original map was published in four hand-coloured sections at a scale of four inches to the mile. To create this reproduction map, we scanned each map section and joined them digitally, removing the lines. Pencil sketches and annotations found on the original BGS archive copy remain on the reproduction. We have published the map at half-scale, eight miles to the inch.

Map size: 74cm x 93 cm. Flat only. [Flat Map]

Format Flat Map

ISBN 9780751835007

Year Published 2007

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