Fforest Fawr - exploring the landscape of a Global Geopark (Bedrock & Landscape) [Folded Map]

Fforest Fawr - exploring the landscape of a Global Geopark (Bedrock & Landscape) [Folded Map]

Situated in South Wales, the Fforest Fawr Geopark occupies the western half of the Brecon Beacons National Park. The mountains and moorland of Fforest Fawr (‘Great Forest’ in English) lie at the heart of the Geopark which also incorporates the surrounding countryside including the Black Mountain, the upper Usk valley and part of the Brecon Beacons.

Mae Geoparc Fforest Fawr, sydd wedi’i leoli yn ne Cymru, yn cwmpasu hanner gorllewinol Parc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheiniog. Calon yr ardal ddynodedig yw mynyddoedd a gweundiroedd Fforest Fawr ond mae’r Geoparc hefyd yn cynnwys y Mynydd Du, rhan uchaf dyffryn Wysg a chopaon uchaf Bannau Brycheiniog.

This upland landscape, formed over the last 470 million years of geological time, has a varied and fascinating history. The different solid rocks underlying the Geopark were laid down over 300 million years ago. These rocks have been deformed by uplift, and in the last 2.6 million years were eroded and sculpted by glaciers to leave the landscape much as it is today.

Mae i’r dirwedd ucheldirol hon, a luniwyd dros gyfnod o 470 miliwn o flynyddoedd, hanes daearegol hir a diddorol. Dyddodwyd creigiau’r Geoparc dros gyfnod o 170 miliwn o flynyddoedd, creigiau a gafodd eu hanffurfio o ganlyniad i ymgodiadau, a’u cerflunio a’u herydu gan rewlifau yn ystod y 2.6 miliwn o flynyddoedd diwethaf. Prosesau rhewlifol, i raddau helaeth, sy’n gyfrifol am bryd a gwedd y dirwedd heddiw.

This map provides an introduction to the geology of the Geopark including an overview map of the bedrock geology, a simplified unconsolidated superficial deposits map, a key to the major geological events and a schematic interpretation of how the rocks extend underground. Also shown are selected geological sites and places where geology has played an important role in the historic economic development of the region.

Mae’r map hwn yn darparu cyflwyniad i ddaeareg y Geoparc. Mae’n cynnwys map cyffredinol o’r Creigiau Solet, map syml o’r Dyddodion Arwynebol, allwedd i’r prif ddigwyddiadau daearegol, a phortread diagramaidd o batrwm y creigiau dan ddaear. Cynhwysir hefyd ddetholiad o safleoedd daearegol diddorol a mannau lle mae daeareg wedi chwarae rhan bwysig yn hanes datblygiad economaidd yr ardal.

Format Folded Map

ISBN 9780751837841

Version B

Year Published 2014

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