Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of north-east Scotland. Memoir

Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of north-east Scotland. Memoir

This new memoir provides a synthesis of the Cainozoic (Palaeogene, Neogene and Quaternary) geology covering a large part of the coastal area of Scotland from Elgin to Inverbervie

The book provides detailed information on the complex and varied Quaternary successions of the district.

Much of the area was peripheral to the main centres of ice accumulation in the west of Scotland and hence a partial record of at least three major glaciations and intervening ice-free periods is preserved.

This product covers the following 1:50 000 scale Drift maps:

The memoir is supplied with the Appendices in PDF format on a CD-ROM.

Author Merritt J W et al

ISBN 0852724632

Sheet(s) Covered S066E

Sheet(s) Partially Covered S067, S076E, S077, S086E, S087W, S087E, S095, S096W, S096E, S097

Year Published 2003

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