Map sheet search for E061

Map sheet search for E061

Two products found

1 Northern Pennine Orefield - Volume II: Stainmore to Craven. Memoir for sheets E40, E41 and E50 and parts E31, E32, E51, E60, E61

Author Dunham, K.C. ISBN 0118842846
Sheet(s) Partially Covered E041, E050, E031, E032, E051, E060, E061 Sheet(s) Covered E040
Year Published 1985  

2 Pateley Bridge (S) [Digital reprint of 1889 Old Series sheet 92NE] - (POD) [Flat Map]

No 'modern' geological map is available at the 1:50 000 scale for this district. This is a digital (‘POD’) reprint of an original out-of-print map which will provide an indication of the geology of the district. …more…

Format Flat Map ISBN 9780751836738
Scale 1:63 360 Sheet(s) Covered E061
Version S Year Published 1889

Two products found