Map sheet search for E108

Map sheet search for E108

Five products found

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1 Flint (S&D) [Folded Map]

For clarity, parts of the solid geology shown on this map have been simplified [Folded Map]

Format Folded Map ISBN 0751829595
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered E108
Version S&D Year Published 1999

2 Flint (S&D) [Flat Map]

For clarity, parts of the solid geology shown on this map have been simplified [Flat Map]

Format Flat Map ISBN 0751829587
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered E108
Version S&D Year Published 1999

3 Flint (S) [Folded Map]

Format Folded Map ISBN 0751832405
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered E108
Version S Year Published 1999

4 Flint (S) [Flat Map]

Format Flat Map ISBN 0751832391
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered E108
Version S Year Published 1999

5 Flint. Memoir for sheet E108

The district described in this memoir extends from the uplands of north-east Wales, including the Clwydian Range and Halkyn Mountain, eastwards to the Cheshire Plain and Dee estuary. It is a region exceptionally rich in natural resources, with a long history of mineral extraction for which up-to-date geological information is essential if there is to be effective land-use planning and support for future development. This memoir is intended to fulfil this need and to provide an overview of the geology for both the amateur and the professional geologist. …more…

Author Davies, JR et al ISBN 085272487X
Sheet(s) Covered E108 Year Published 2004

Five products found

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