Map sheet search for E265

Map sheet search for E265

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1 Bath (B&Sup) [Folded Map]

Bedrock geology and Superficial deposits map E265 [Folded Map]

Format Folded Map ISBN 0751835919
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered E265
Version B&Sup Year Published 2011

2 Bath (B&Sup) [Flat Map]

Bedrock geology and Superficial deposits map E265 [Flat Map]

Format Flat Map ISBN 0751835900
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered E265
Version B&Sup Year Published 2011

3 Bath district - Sheet Explanation for sheet E265 [Booklet]

Sheet Explanations provide a brief description and interpretation of the geology of the relevant BGS 1:50 000 scale map sheet area. More detailed geological information for the same area is available via the Sheet Descriptions. Sheet Explanations are printed A5 booklets and are available either singly, or as a pack together with the relevant 1:50 000 scale map, where this map is available. This Sheet Explanation provides a summary of the geology of the area covered by geological 1:50 000 Series Sheet 265 Bath. The main population centres are the eastern suburbs of Bristol together with Chippenham, Melksham, Corsham and the city of Bath itself, which is England's only World Heritage City. The majority of the district is however rural, and it lies at the southern end of the Cotswold Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The Cotswold escarpment is the most significant principal geomorphological feature of the district, forming a prominent ridge which runs north from Upton Chew to Old Sodbury. This separates the low-lying undulating ground in the west from the rolling, upland country of the Cotswold Hills, which then fall gently eastwards towards the Avon valley. In the east, the ground rises towards the Chalk downlands of Salisbury Plain.The principal river of the district is the River Avon which enters the north of the district, following a circuitous route through Chippenham, Melksham and Bath to the western edge of the district at Keynsham. The Cam Brook and By Brook are significant tributaries, both entering the river at Bath. [Booklet]

Author Barron, AJM et al Collation 210 x 145 mm; 35 pages
Format Booklet ISBN 9780852726914
Sheet(s) Covered E265 Year Published 2011

4 Bath district map pack - Sheet Explanation for sheet E265 plus 1:50 000 (B&Sup) map [Booklet and Map Pack]

This pack contains a Sheet Explanation for the district and the complementary 1:50 000 scale Bedrock Geology and Superficial Deposits map (folded). Sheet Explanations provide a brief description and interpretation of the geology of the relevant map sheet area. The A5 Sheet Explanation booklet and the map are supplied in a transparent wallet. While it is possible to buy the map and Sheet Explanation separately, buying them together as map pack saves you £3. This Sheet Explanation provides a summary of the geology of the area covered by geological 1:50 000 Series Sheet 265 Bath. The main population centres are the eastern suburbs of Bristol together with Chippenham, Melksham, Corsham and the city of Bath itself, which is England's only World Heritage City. The majority of the district is however rural, and it lies at the southern end of the Cotswold Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The Cotswold escarpment is the most significant principal geomorphological feature of the district, forming a prominent ridge which runs north from Upton Chew to Old Sodbury. This separates the low-lying undulating ground in the west from the rolling, upland country of the Cotswold Hills, which then fall gently eastwards towards the Avon valley. In the east, the ground rises towards the Chalk downlands of Salisbury Plain.The principal river of the district is the River Avon which enters the north of the district, following a circuitous route through Chippenham, Melksham and Bath to the western edge of the district at Keynsham. The Cam Brook and By Brook are significant tributaries, both entering the river at Bath. [Booklet and Map Pack]

Author Barron, AJM et al Format Booklet and Map Pack
ISBN 9786000008147 Scale 1:50 000
Sheet(s) Covered E265 Year Published 2011

5 Bristol District (S&D) Special Sheet E250, E251, E264, E265, E280, E281 [Flat Map]

For clarity, parts of the solid geology shown on this map have been simplified [Flat Map]

Format Flat Map ISBN 0751801690
Sheet(s) Partially Covered E251, E264, E265, E280, E281 Scale 1:63 360
Sheet(s) Covered E250 Version S&D
Year Published 1962  

6 Bristol District (S&D) Special Sheet E250, E251, E264, E265, E280, E281 [REISSUE] [Folded Map]

For clarity, parts of the solid geology shown on this map have been simplified [Folded Map]

Author BGS Format Folded Map
ISBN 9780751837131 Sheet(s) Partially Covered E251,E264,E265,E280,E281
Scale 1:63 360 Sheet(s) Covered E250
Version S&D Year Published 1962

6 products found

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