Map sheet search for S056

Map sheet search for S056

Three products found

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1 Glen Shee (S) [Folded Map]

Format Folded Map ISBN 0751830151
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered S056W
Version S Year Published 2000

2 Glen Shee (S) [Flat Map]

Format Flat Map ISBN 0751830143
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered S056W
Version S Year Published 2000

3 Glen Shee district. Memoir for sheet S56W

This memoir describes the geology of the Glen Shee district. The area straddles the Highland Boundary Fault Zone, which forms the regional boundary between the Late Proterozoic Dalradian Supergroup of the Southern Highlands and the Silurian rocks of the Midland Valley. Four phases of regional deformation affected these rocks, mainly attributable to the Grampian Orogeny. …more…

Author A.Crane et al ISBN 0118845462
Sheet(s) Covered S056W Year Published 2003

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