The Economic Importance of Minerals to the UK

The Economic Importance of Minerals to the UK

The BGS has produced this report for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minster (Minerals and Waste Planning Division). The report is one of a number of reports, leaflets and mineral profiles prepared under the Joint ODPM-BGS Minerals Programme that, amongst other objectives, seeks to present factual information and authoritative data on the extent, availability, production, trade and use of minerals that are of economic importance to the UK.

The report has been written in such a way as to be suitable for a wide non-economist audience and has avoided too much detail and economic theory. Its production contributes to a better understanding of the economic issues associated with the production and use of minerals and their contribution to sustainable economic development.

British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/04/070N
28pp, full colour A4 paperback

Author Highley, D E et al

ISBN 0852724829

Year Published 2004

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