A Seismic Atlas of Southern Britain [Atlas]
Price £30.00(no VAT)
Over the past two hundred years, the numerous and varied structural features of southern Britain have been mapped on the basis of outcrop information. Until relatively recently, the detailed nature of these structures at depth has remained conjectural.
This atlas, however, illustrates some of the best seismically imaged geological features of the region. Each of the features illustrated is described and a detailed development history is provided. This gives a unique insight into the subsurface structure of southern Britain and has transformed our understanding of the processes involved in structural development - the role of the major faults in basin evolution and sediment distribution, and the relationship of faults to folds in the sedimentary cover. Images are also provided of igneous intrusions, major basement structures and the deep crust, and a review of the tectonic evolution of England and Wales includes the Caledonian, Variscan and Cimmerian-Alpine cycles. This provides a context for the more detailed description of the subsurface features.
This book will be of interest to students, structural geologists and researchers.
The book also includes a CD of the text. 180pp, plus references and index. [Atlas]
Author Chadwick, R A and Evans, D J
Format Atlas
ISBN 0852725124
Year Published 2005