Water borehole : Less than 20m3/day GeoReport

Water borehole : Less than 20m3/day GeoReport

This report is designed for users proposing to drill a borehole for the abstraction of groundwater and/or inject water into an aquifer via a soakaway borehole. The report gives a borehole prognosis plus information on the availability, quantity and quality of water that is likely to be abstracted at your site.

It contains an evaluation of the geological formations beneath the site in terms of aquifer potential including yields, water levels and groundwater quality. It also contains recommendations on the design of the proposed water borehole and information on the legal requirements.

This report is for yields up to 20 m3/day and is intended mainly for domestic purposes.

For larger yields (often for commercial purposes) see Water Borehole : Greater than 20 m3/day.

The modules included in the base report are the modules that we recommend. You can however select a combination of available modules and create a fully customised report by selecting Site Investigation Borehole.

If you want to use the borehole for an open loop ground source heat pump, please specify this in the comments field.

Optional module

Engineering Geological and Drilling Considerations
This module gives a preliminary guide highlighting issues the site geology might pose for drilling and ground engineering.

Areas of complex geology

For areas where the geology is very complex, the reports take significantly longer to write and this is reflected in the price. Please see the "Report availability map" for an indication of the area, these areas are shown in purple on the "Report availability map".


Geological Map Extracts are not available in some areas of the UK. These areas are shown in yellow on the "Report availability map" below.

All prices include delivery.

Product Gallery (click an image to zoom)

Large map of Georeport availability
Well drilling


This report contains the following modules (click on module name for example content):

ModuleCost (ex. VAT)
Base report
Additional charge for complex areas***
+ £417.5
Geological map extracts (included)
Borehole prognosis (point) (included)
Groundwater abstraction (included)
Engineering geological and drilling considerations +£242.5
Geoscience data list (included)

Delivery Options

Delivery by e-mail: Sent by e-mail as soon as your Report is ready

Delivery by post: Please allow up to five working days after despatch

* Note: postal delivery to non-UK addresses will take longer than five days


This report requires you to choose a location using either a UK address or a full British National Grid reference.

If your site is large or complex you can choose instead to send us a siteplan.

Map/Report Title

This product gives you the option of adding your own title to the report or map produced.

The title can be up to 200 characters long.

Report Purpose

This report requires you to choose a purpose so that our scientists can adapt the report to suit your requirements.


Despatched within twenty working days (can be longer for areas of complex geology).

Expected Yield

This report requires you to indicate how much water you are hoping to extract.