Map sheet search for E316

Map sheet search for E316

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1 Fareham (S&D) [Flat Map]

Format Flat Map ISBN 0751831670
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered E316
Version S&D Year Published 1998

2 Fareham (S&D) [Folded Map]

Also available as a Sheet Explalation and Map pack at £18: see the Memoirs section for more information. [Folded Map]

Format Folded Map ISBN 0751831689
Scale 1:50 000 Sheet(s) Covered E316
Version S&D Year Published 1998

3 Fareham and Portsmouth District. Sheet Description for sheets E316 and E331 (POD) [Report]

Sheet descriptions provide detailed, in-depth geological information for the relevant BGS 1:50 000 scale map sheets. Extensive references and information sources are cited.
They are A4 print-on-demand publications which are supplied bound in clear covers. [Report]

Author Hopson, P.M. Format Report
ISBN 0852723539 Sheet(s) Partially Covered E331
Reprographic DP Sheet(s) Covered E316
Year Published 2001  

4 Fareham and Portsmouth district - Sheet Explanation for sheets E316 and E331

Sheet Explanations provide a brief description and interpretation of the geology of the relevant BGS 1:50 000 scale map sheet area. More detailed geological information for the same area is available via the Sheet Descriptions. Sheet Explanations are printed A5 booklets and are available either singly, or as a pack together with the relevant 1:50 000 scale map, where this map is available. The primary chalk scarp of the South Downs and the Portsdown anticline dominate the landscape of the Fareham and Portsmouth district. Travelling northward from the low, flat-lying coastal plain with its extensive natural harbours, the prominent chalk feature of Ports Down is encountered. From the crest of that feature, there is a wide northward vista over the Bere Forest Syncline and onwards towards the main chalk scarp, which is dominated by the communication mast at Butser Hill. Looking from Butser Hill towards the north and north-east, the characteristic ridge and vale country at the western end of the Weald can be appreciated. The coastal plain is underlain by a thin Quaternary sequence masking Palaeogene strata, and the Bere Forest is characterised by sandy heath and heavy clay pastureland directly overlying Palaeogene sediments. Long, gentle dip slopes of the Upper Chalk form much of the open downland in the north of the district, whereas the face of the primary scarp and the ridge and vale country in the extreme north-east are formed by the Middle and Lower Chalk and alternating sands and clays of the Lower Cretaceous, respectively.

Author Hopson, P.M. ISBN 0852722358X
Sheet(s) Partially Covered E331 Reprographic DP
Sheet(s) Covered E316 Year Published 2001

5 Fareham and Portsmouth district map pack - Sheet Explanation for sheet E316 (Fareham) plus 1:50 000 (S&D) map [Booklet and Map Pack]

This pack contains a Sheet Explanation for the district and the complementary 1:50 000 scale Bedrock Geology and Superficial Deposits map (folded). Sheet Explanations provide a brief description and interpretation of the geology of the relevant map sheet area. The A5 Sheet Explanation booklet and the map are supplied in a transparent wallet. While it is possible to buy the map and Sheet Explanation separately, buying them together as map pack saves you £3. The primary chalk scarp of the South Downs and the Portsdown anticline dominate the landscape of the Fareham and Portsmouth district. Travelling northward from the low, flat-lying coastal plain with its extensive natural harbours, the prominent chalk feature of Ports Down is encountered. From the crest of that feature, there is a wide northward vista over the Bere Forest Syncline and onwards towards the main chalk scarp, which is dominated by the communication mast at Butser Hill. Looking from Butser Hill towards the north and north-east, the characteristic ridge and vale country at the western end of the Weald can be appreciated. The coastal plain is underlain by a thin Quaternary sequence masking Palaeogene strata, and the Bere Forest is characterised by sandy heath and heavy clay pastureland directly overlying Palaeogene sediments. Long, gentle dip slopes of the Upper Chalk form much of the open downland in the north of the district, whereas the face of the primary scarp and the ridge and vale country in the extreme north-east are formed by the Middle and Lower Chalk and alternating sands and clays of the Lower Cretaceous, respectively. [Booklet and Map Pack]

Author Hopson, P.M. Format Booklet and Map Pack
Sheet(s) Partially Covered E331 Sheet(s) Covered E316
Year Published 2000  

6 Fareham and Portsmouth district map pack - Sheet Explanation for sheet E331 (Portsmouth) plus 1:50 000 (S&D) map [Booklet and Map Pack]

This pack contains a Sheet Explanation for the district and the complementary 1:50 000 scale Bedrock Geology and Superficial Deposits map (folded). Sheet Explanations provide a brief description and interpretation of the geology of the relevant map sheet area. The A5 Sheet Explanation booklet and the map are supplied in a transparent wallet. While it is possible to buy the map and Sheet Explanation separately, buying them together as map pack saves you £3. The primary chalk scarp of the South Downs and the Portsdown anticline dominate the landscape of the Fareham and Portsmouth district. Travelling northward from the low, flat-lying coastal plain with its extensive natural harbours, the prominent chalk feature of Ports Down is encountered. From the crest of that feature, there is a wide northward vista over the Bere Forest Syncline and onwards towards the main chalk scarp, which is dominated by the communication mast at Butser Hill. Looking from Butser Hill towards the north and north-east, the characteristic ridge and vale country at the western end of the Weald can be appreciated. The coastal plain is underlain by a thin Quaternary sequence masking Palaeogene strata, and the Bere Forest is characterised by sandy heath and heavy clay pastureland directly overlying Palaeogene sediments. Long, gentle dip slopes of the Upper Chalk form much of the open downland in the north of the district, whereas the face of the primary scarp and the ridge and vale country in the extreme north-east are formed by the Middle and Lower Chalk and alternating sands and clays of the Lower Cretaceous, respectively. [Booklet and Map Pack]

Author Hopson, P.M. Format Booklet and Map Pack
Sheet(s) Partially Covered E331 Sheet(s) Covered E316
Year Published 2000  

6 products found

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