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While ‘standard’ geological mapping describes the surface and near-surface rocks and structures, geophysical techniques are needed to look deeper and describe the substructure. Variations in the density of rocks have an effect on the local strength of the Earth’s gravity field, and these gravity anomalies can be mapped to aid understanding of geological structures at depth. These Gravity Anomaly maps offer insights into the three-dimensional structure of the country that will be of interest to the earth science community, particularly those involved in onshore hydrocarbon and mineral exploration. …more…
Format | Map Pack | ISBN | 0751834599 |
Scale | 1:1 000 000 | Year Published | 2006 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. …more…
Format | Map Pack | ISBN | 6000003943 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Year Published | 2007 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. …more…
Format | Map Pack | ISBN | 6000003951 |
Year Published | 2007 |
Variations in the density of rocks have an effect on the local strength of the Earth’s gravity field, and these gravity anomalies can be mapped to aid understanding of geological structures at depth. They are particularly valuable in oil and gas exploration. …more…
Format | Map Pack | Scale | 1:1 000 000 |
Year Published | 2006 |
Format | Flat Map | ISBN | 0751829242 |
Reprographic | CSR | Scale | 1:1 500 000 |
Version | GR | Year Published | 1997 |
Format | Folded Map | ISBN | 0751829250 |
Reprographic | CSR | Scale | 1:1 500 000 |
Version | GR | Year Published | 1997 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. …more…
Format | Flat Map | ISBN | 9780751835052 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Year Published | 2007 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. [Folded Map]
Format | Folded Map | ISBN | 9780751835069 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Year Published | 2007 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. [Flat Map]
Format | Flat Map | ISBN | 9780751835076 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Year Published | 2007 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. [Folded Map]
Format | Folded Map | ISBN | 9780751835083 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Year Published | 2007 |
Author | Various | Year Published | 1987 |
Author | Burley, AJ | Collation | 277 x220 mm |
Format | Book | ISBN | 0118842226 |
Year Published | 1982 |
Author | Andrew, E.M. | ISBN | 9780118807166 |
Year Published | 1974 |
Author | Barrit, S | Collation | 277 x220 mm |
Format | Book | ISBN | 0118844229 |
Year Published | 1981 |
While ‘standard’ geological mapping describes the surface and near-surface rocks and structures, geophysical techniques are needed to look deeper and describe the substructure. Variations in the magnetisation of rocks within the Earth's crust can be mapped and these magnetic anomalies aid interpretation of buried geological structures, especially igneous and metamorphic bodies – vital in the search for minerals. These Magnetic Anomaly maps offer insights into the three-dimensional structure of the country that will be of interest to the earth science community, including those involved in onshore hydrocarbon and mineral exploration. …more…
Format | Map Pack | ISBN | 0751834602 |
Scale | 1:1 000 000 | Year Published | 2006 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. [Flat Map]
Format | Flat Map | ISBN | 9780751835151 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Version | MG |
Year Published | 2007 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. [Flat Map]
Format | Flat Map | ISBN | 9780751835137 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Year Published | 2007 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. [Folded Map]
Format | Folded Map | ISBN | 9780751835144 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Year Published | 2007 |
Gravity and magnetic anomalies show small departures from the expected values of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields, caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. These anomalies are used to determine concealed geological structure, including the depth and extent of sedimentary basins, depth to magnetic basement and location of concealed igneous bodies. On the broadest scale, they help to convey an understanding of the regional configuration of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. …more…
Format | Folded Map | ISBN | 0751835161 |
Scale | 1:625 000 | Year Published | 2007 |
While 'standard' geological mapping techniques describe the surface and near-surface rocks, geophysical techniques are needed to look deeper.
This interactive guide covers South-east England, where Cainozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary strata cover the vast majority of the region. Gravity and aeromagnetic data provide insights into the older, underlying sedimentary strata, the deeper basement and the intrusions within the basement. …more…
Format | CD | ISBN | 6000001029 |
Year Published | 2006 |
Viewing 1 to 20 of 24
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